Erin's hot and wild summer vacation
Posted June 21, 2018 at 12:00 am
Hey guys, I hate to disappoint/interrupt but I'm going to be taking a bit of a summer break!  To be honest, I'm a little burnt out on keeping up with comics, especially Metacarpolis, so I'm taking some refresher time to focus on other things, like programming and longswords and writing.  I don't have a specific end date for the break yet, but I am going to be working on comic writing that I'm terribly behind on so that I'm not riding by the seat of my pants on Metacarpolis.  I also want to do some other comic and art things, including some updates for Picklewhistle since I do have those comics written, as well as a sort of zine/mini comic that I've been wanting to do but could never find the time to.  

I'll try to get back to Metacarpolis ASAP, but until then, in an effort not to put a bunch of filler/unrelated material here, I'll be posting any non-Metacarpolis update info over at this tumblr, which I'm keeping update-only so that you can follow it if you don't want to see the reblog nonsense I have over on my personal tumblr.  You can also follow it in RSS form.  I'll still be posting anything I finish early on Patreon, though I'm cool if y'all faithful patrons want to unsubscribe during the break!

Thanks for reading and see you soon!
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